Matt OX is a young upcoming rapper who has taken the industry by a storm. His hit by the title Overwhelming went viral on YouTube. In addition to being a rapper, Matt OX is also the CEO of OX Gang.
Before Fame
His interest in music became clear at an early age. For example, he was only four when he started listening to rap music. His main source of inspiration was Young & Black by Kendrick Lamar and Eminem music. Matt OX was born on 13th December 2004 as Matthew Grau. His place of birth was Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. His mother’s name is Laura Grau. He also has a brother.
It is good to note that his childhood hadn’t been a bed of roses. For instance, his mother was only 15 years when she gave birth to him. In addition to that, he lost his father when he was only two and a half years old. The worst part is that it wasn’t even a natural death but rather a suicide. Basically, it is his mother who has taken care of him throughout his life. That’s because even before his father died, he couldn’t do that due to mental illness.

After releasing the “Overwhelming” hit, things changed for the better for Matt OX. That’s because it went viral to the extent that it garnered 24 million views on YouTube. It became the beginning of his successful music career. The producer was a famous Oogie Mane. Its sound engineer was none other than F1LTHY. The directors were Pipus as well as Kendra. With such a power team and the undeniable talent of Matt OX, its success wasn’t entirely a surprise.
His career started at a very tender age of 5 years, which is when he released his first original rap. His other songs include Michael Myers, Low Key and This N That, Pocket Overflowing and last but not least Big Enuff.
Personal Life
Matt OX is currently single for obvious reasons. He is just a young boy at his early teens. Despite being a boy raised by a single mom, it is obvious that he is growing up into a great man. Not even his tough childhood has stopped him from becoming great.
Net Worth
The net worth of Matt OX is estimated to be about $200 thousand. He has a number of sources of income. The first one is the fact that he is an artist who has performed a number of songs. His other source of income is YouTube views. Matt also promotes various brands and sells t-shirts. All that has contributed significantly to his current wealth.