Perez Hilton

gossip columnist
47 year
5 Feet 10 Inches
78 kg (172 lb)
Net worth
$20 million
Relationship status
not married
Social networks
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    Who's Perez Hilton?

    He's an American gossip columnist of Cuban descent. He was born on March 23, 1978, in Miami, Florida as Mario Armando Lavandeira, Jr.

    Perez Hilton
    Perez Hilton / Instagram

    Who are Perez Hilton's parents?

    His parents's names are Teresita and Mario. The latter used to run a wallpaper company. When the future Perez was 15 years old, his grandfather passed away. In a week, his dad died of a brain aneurysm.

    The star has a sister named Barbara.

    Blogging career

    Perez began his online media activities in 2001. Initially, he launched the blog. The Insider labeled it the most hated website in Hollywood.

    Then, he created He started to post tabloid photos of celebrities there, adding doodles and captions to them. He got famous thanks to his controversial manner of reporting facts. Plus, he drew a lot of public attention to his website due to revealing the real sexual orientation of LGBT celebrities who used to be closeted.

    Perez has acted in off-Broadway shows as well as TV shows and movies. He released 4 books. He runs a podcast together with Chris Booker.

    Is Perez Hilton in a relationship?

    The star is openly gay. He's involved with LGBT organizations. He prefers to keep the information about his romantic relationships secret.

    Perez Hilton with his children
    Perez Hilton with his children / Instagram

    He has three kids from surrogate mothers: a son named Mario Armando Lavandeira III and two daughters named Mia Alma and Mayte Amor.

    How much is Perez Hilton's net worth?

    In 2022, his net worth seems to exceed $20 million.