Daniela Monet real name (Daniella Monet Zuvic) was born in the area of West Hills located in California in the state of the United States of America on 1st March, 1989. She is an all-rounder performer. All-rounder means she is an actor, a dancer and host in the famous TV shows where she conducts fabulous TV shows for different channels. In the year 2013-2015, she hosted Awesomeness TV for the first time. Then from 2017 onwards she is hosting the program named Paradise Run.

Who is the mother of Daniella Monet? She is the daughter of Diane Monet, a very famous and the most popular artist around the world. Diane’s grandfather was basically related to the profession of a chef but he also used to be a painter/artist as a part time job, they were the relatives of a very famous artist named Claude Monet and felt very proud with it.
How are where her mother grew up? Her mother Diane Monet graduated in the field of international marketing with a degree of honors from the University of New York. She then started marketing jobs in famous companies of the World which includes PepsiCO, Avon, etc.

How did her mother get so much fame? Diane used to paint in her free hours as a hobby but after sometime she lost interest in it as she used to work full time and was unable to find free time. But her late husband named Gary wanted her to be an artist and provided her with all the facilities required by her.
Did she learn painting from someone? No, she did not learn or took classes from any professional institute or a professional artist. It is so because she had this art in her blood given by her ancestors to her. She used to draw paintings by thinking of some ideas in her brain and then by executing them on a piece of paper.

Where were her paintings more popular in the world? Her paintings were more popular in Japan as many people after buying her painting gave reviews that due to her paintings their lives have totally changed. Earlier they were cursed but after buying the paintings and placing them in their home they felt blessed and lived a very happy life after on.
Who was the father of Daniella Monet? There is no information available about her father instead of his name and his ancestors. Her father Gary belonged to The Republic of Chile whereas his ancestors belonged to the Croatian state. He was the one to convince Dianne to continue with her art. He is no more and his date of death is also unknown.

Does Daniella Monet have any kids? At this time of the year she has no child but she is expecting a child very soon as she and her fiancée released the picture of this good news on their Instagram profile in the month of April. They are expecting their first child and are very happy with it.

Personal life
Daniella Monet was born in the state of California in the area of West Hills. She is a true animal lover as she supports many campaigns that have been conducted for the safety and welfare of the animals whether they are se animals or land animals. Whereas if we give a look to her life it is clear that she has promoted more towards the safety of marine animals. Even she herself became mermaid in a commercial that was based on the saving of fish that are left in the World.
Why does she not eat the meat of animals or fish? She turned into a vegetarian when she was just 5 years old and a Vegan at the age of 11. She even wore a mermaid costume to aware the people of fish consumption. Therefore, she does not eat the meat of the animals.

Is she married? Daniella got engaged in the month of December in the year 2017. The name of her husband is Andrew Gardner. They got engaged to each other after spending 7 years as a friend. At the time of engagement Andrew was 28 years old whereas Daniella was 27 years old. Up till now they are living a happy and wonderful life and are expecting their first child very soon.
Where does she live right now?
At the moment she is living with her husband in the city of Los Angeles in California. She was born in this state and is still living in it. She is an all- rounder as she is an actor, a singer and a famous TV host in many programs.