Who Is Colette Butler?
Colette Butler is a YouTube star and a part of the Shaytards family. She is known by some more nicknames: Colette Kati, Katilette and MommyTard.

She was born on June 29, 1982, and now she's 39 y. o. Her place of birth is California.
Who Are Colette Butler's Parents?
There isn't any data about her parents, but we know that their names are Coleen and Vince Crofts. Colette's mother died from breast cancer, but a YouTube star lived through this tragedy. This media personality has four siblings: Adam, Candance, Sadie and Callie.
Unfortunately, Colette doesn't share any information about her siblings.
YouTube Career
Her main place of content is YouTube, but look at other gems such as Twitter and Instagram. She creates videos for SHAYTARDS with her second part Shay. They run their YouTube channel about the Shaytards family for a couple of years.

Moreover, she owns her own channel Katilette. Vlogs, popular and rare challenges, as well as videos with answers on fan's questions can be found there. She collaborates with The Mom's View channel.
Is Colette Butler Married?
Colette Butler is married to Shay Butler, an owner of the Shaytards channel and famous for it. On it, you can enjoy videos of Shay's adventures with the rest of his family. Now they bring up five children:
- Brock — the "first Truman baby". He's called this way as you can see all what he does since his first day on Earth;
- Avia;
- Daxton;
- Emmi;
- Gavin — he's known as Sontard to his fans. He's the oldest child in the Shaytards family.

Shay Butler founded Maker Studios. It's interesting that he was a part of Vlogumentary, a team behind the YouTube Red movie.
How Much Is Colette Butler's Net Worth?
Net worth is a secret thing and stars don't want to reveal it, but as far as we know, her net worth varies from $0.3 to 1 million.