Who is Alli Fitz?
Alli Fitz, also known online as AlliCattt, is a singer, songwriter, Internet celebrity, and aspiring actress. She was born on September 10, 1993 in Ohio, US. Alli has a university degree in theater studies.

She initially joined Vine to follow her favorite rapper, Tyler the Creator. Later, she started posting her own content that became extremely popular over time. She collaborated a lot with other creators, including Lele Pons and Brennen Taylor.
Who are Alli Fitz's parents?
It's known that her mother is a physical education teacher. There is no information about her father. Alli grew up in Xenia, which is a city in southwestern Ohio. She has Central African ancestry, and her nationality is American.
Music career
In 2008, Fitz launched a YouTube channel, where she uploaded various music covers. In 2013, she joined Vine and became one of the most-followed female Viners. As of 2022, Alli's YouTube content is focused on singles, covers, singing techniques, vlogs, challenges, and more. The channel has 669 thousand subscribers.

Her first single Feel It in My Heart was released in 2014. Later, she recorded Work from Home and Rather Be together with Chad Perez. In 2017, Alli's cover song Hair was released on iTunes. Her other songs include:
- Fill the Void;
- Disease;
- Elegant;
- Secret;
- Only for the Night;
- Subtle;
- Quarantine Queen;
- Do My Thang.
Does Alli Fitz have a boyfriend?
In 2014, there were rumors the singer was dating Scotty Sire, a musician and YouTuber. She was in a relationship with Chad Jaxon Perez, who is a singer, songwriter and former Viner. They often collaborated on music videos. As of April 2022, Alli is probably not dating anyone.

How much is Alli Fitz's net worth?
As of 2022, her estimated net worth is roughly $1.5 million.